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It was a match where one batsman stood out from both the teams. Batting first, Jos Buttler scored a 58 ball 82 opening the innings for Rajasthan helping them post a respectable total of 158/8. Andrew Tye too four wickets in the innings including three in the death overs to push KXIP’s score back by 10 20 runs. In the run chase, YOOWEI 3-PACK COVER miglior custodia iphone 6 per iPhone 8 / iPhone samsung a40 custodia portafoglio 7 Trasparente con KXIP were stunned by Krishnappa Gowtham as he got the wickets of Chris Gayle and skipper Ravichandran Ashwin who promoted himself at No.3. Things got worse when England fast bowler Jofra Archer removed Karun Nair reducing KXIP to 3/19 in fourth over. KL BARBER POLE HAIR CUT Cover Samsung Galaxy S10 Plus Rahul anchored the innings but kept running out of partners on the other end.