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Coque iphone x apple Rugged Samsung Galaxy S4 reportedly slated for July acheter coque samsung s6 ed-coque iphone 7 fille-dgvfcm

Rugged Samsung Galaxy S4 reportedly slated for cdiscount coque iphone 6 July

Speaking to media earlier this week, Samsung’s Gulf Electronics president Young Soo meilleur coque iphone Kim let slip that coque iphone 7 swag a tougher version of the Samsung Galaxy S4 will be coming in the near coque iphone 7 lacoste future. Now, The Wall Street Journal adds to the executive’s comments, saying Samsung will unleash the coque iphone x apple phone this summer to with stand the harsh elements of coque aimant iphone xs max the season.

According to the report, the “ruggedised” Galaxy S4 will maintain the same aesthetics and meilleur coque iphone 7 specifications of the Galaxy S4 coque coque ultra resistante iphone xs iphone 7 gucci we’ve coque iphone 5s fille come to coque iphone xs golf know this spring, but will be outfitted to be waterproof and dust proof. Samsung will reportedly coque iphone 5c personnalisé call it the “Galaxy S4 Active”, signalling a handset destined coque iphone 6 rhinoshield for the sports world. Landing sometime in July, it will rival some competitors who already waterproof their devices, including Sony’s Xperia Z.

We’ve already given the Samsung Galaxy S4 a thorough coque iphone se personnalisable review, and found it to be a pretty solid smartphone, coque iphone 6s champion living up to Samsung’s plastic nature. A more ruggedised version of the Galaxy S4 won’t appeal to everyone, but may have its coque iphone xs audi uses for those who regularly work outdoors.

Adding to its multi tier attack strategy, Samsung will also reveal a smaller version of the Galaxy coque iphone x rhinoshield S4 in July, The Wall Street coque iphone xs max verre trempe Journal reports. This isn’t the first coque charge iphone xs time we’ve heard of the smaller unit, and it makes a bit of sense given Samsung did coque iphone xr apple the same for the Galaxy S3, giving customers who prefer a 4.3 inch handset another option.

Samsung’s busy summer coque iphone 8 plus disney will also include a new Galaxy line tablet in June, adding to the 7 and 10.1 inch versions Samsung coque iphone 5c cdiscount already has going against competitors on the market.

The summer months aren’t far away. We’ll make sure to keep an eye out for the latest, but if you don’t want to wait for a phone you can spill a cup meilleur coque iphone 6 of tea on, the normal Samsung Galaxy S4 is now available to coque iphone 5 personnalisé the masses…