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Apple’s coque iphone 6 je le ferais demain Chinese suicide problem

After a string of coque iphone 5s coque self inflicted deaths at iPhoneand iPad manufacturing Foxconn factories in China, coque iphone 6 lop employees are being asked to sign no coque iphone 5 maison du monde suicide pledges, according to a Taiwanese cable news report passed on by Australia’s Sydney Morning Herald. The company is also surrounding its buildings coque iphone 5 5s tpu swag miroir contour or diamants vintage etui housse bumper with coque iphone 6s bonbon nets to catch jumpers.

I don’t know about you, but if I was working 12 hours a day, six days coque iphone citron a week, plugging circuit boards into Apple gadgets that sell for more than I might make in a month, and I looked out the coque iphone 5c keen’v window and saw nets being installed to keep co coque huawei p8 lite 2017 vernis workers from dashing their brains out on the streets below, I’d start to feel a little coque iphone 6 apple ebay depressed. coque huawei p8 lite 2017 renne I don’t what’s more distressing the rate of suicides among workers assembling the West’s most prized objects of techno fetishistic desire, or the fact that by Chinese standards, a Foxconn job is considered relatively desirable.

Foxconn’s CEO, Terry Gou, has hustled from Taiwan to China to do some damage control and the Wall Street Journal reports that Apple coque iphone 5 coque pour telpehone huawei p8 s phrase is conducting its own investigation. As well it coque iphone 5s adishatz should: Apple’s got coque iphone 6 automobile a valuable brand to protect, and, even if the company just passed Microsoft in terms of market huawei p8 lite coque a rabat capitalization, Steve Jobs knows as well as anyone how easily reputations can be made and broken in an age where image is everything. Accusations of low wages can be brushed off without coque huawei p8 lite 2017 om much effort. Nine deaths in six months Not so easy.

But there are also larger issues to consider. It’s fun to pick on Apple, because of the cognitive disjunction between its appropriation of hipster cool and the ongoing exploitation of cheap labor offshore. The school killings have spawned a wide ranging discussion as to potential coque iphone blanche neige causes the lack of an adequate safety net for the coque iphone 6 voyage mentally ill, the massive transitions China huawei p8 lite 217 coque has undergone over the last three decades coque iphone se asm of pell mell economic growth, and the emergence of significant income inequality.

I won’t pretend to have coque iphone 6s kawai my own definitive answer to this question, other than to suggest that change is inherently destabilizing, and few societies have coque iphone 7 moa changed as much as China’s in recent decades. But I coque iphone 6 femme nue don’t think it would be off base to throw the Foxconn suicides into the same murky cauldron as the school slayings. The scale on which Foxconn with 800,000 employees and China are participating in raw and bloody capitalism is unprecedented. It’s not all that surprising that the collateral damage is pretty bad, too…