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And I felt stupid. Until I got it on. It didn’t make me feel the sexiest I’ve ever felt, but with smaller breasts, it didn’t make them look bad wholesale sex toys, which I was happy with.. I looked it up on the internet and some sites have said that pre cum occasionally contains sperm in it and that if the male had went to the restroom and had not ejaculated since, the content of sperm is reduced (My boyfriend had gone to the restroom and had not ejaculated before we had sex). I’m not sure whether to trust this information or not.I had considered taking the EC pill but I had already taken it twice in a week in November and really didn’t want to put my body through it again.Is my risk for pregnancy high?Should I be worried?My period supposedly doesn’t come until around the 10th and it has come around that time in December and January AFTER I had taken the two ECs so I’m not sure if I should expect the same in February.EDIT: Also wholesale sex toys, just to add, there was no risk of STD’s because we were both virgins before we had sex with each other. Since it is now too late to take EC, anyway, there is nothing you can do here, except to wait until you can take a pregnancy test.

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