During my 11 years in the Senate (1997 2008)

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canada goose factory outlet vancouver While the Abbott Government faces a very complex Senate equation, this Senate is still less hostile than that faced by many previous governments. (Torsten Blackwood, file photo: AFP)A Senate deadlock breaking mechanism is readily available, and if Tony Abbott doesn’t use it, we’re entitled to believe his exhortations about a budget emergency are hollow, writes Andrew Bartlett.The decision by Senator Jacqui Lambie to quit the Palmer United Party has put even more focus on the Government’s challenges in getting its legislation through the Senate.Most commentary is suggesting this will make the Senate even harder for the government to negotiate, although on issues where Clive Palmer opposes something but Jacqui Lambie might not the Coalition’s plan to weaken the Renewable Energy Target is one possibility this will actually improve the Government’s chances, at least marginally.But either way, today is no different to yesterday in that overall the Senate is causing significant difficulties for the Government and is likely to continue to do so.However, it should be made clear that if the current Government gives up on various measures it is having difficulty getting passed by the Senate, then the conclusion has to be drawn that it doesn’t really believe those measures are as crucial economically or policy wise as they try to suggest.During my 11 years in the Senate (1997 2008), the crossbench that I was part of changed in composition and relative power quite regularly including as a consequence of senators resigning from their party part way through their term, as Senator Lambie has just done. (Mal Colston’s quitting the Labor Party is the most notorious, but Meg Lees quitting the Democrats and Shayne Murphy quitting Labor also impacted on the balance of power equation).While the Abbott Government faces a very complex Senate equation, it still faces a Senate that is politically less hostile than that faced by many previous governments.No doubt the Liberals look back wistfully to the not too distant past when the Howard government had a majority in its own right in the Senate, from 2005 until its demise (not to mention the luxury of holding that Senate majority as the opposition for the first nine months or so of the Rudd government).But the fact that holding that majority led the Howard government to fatally overreach with its rushed and extreme WorkChoices laws is a reminder that things might not always be as good (or as bad) as they might seem.Certainly, the Senate contains by far the largest and most diverse crossbench in Australian history canada goose factory outlet vancouver.