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amazon uk canada goose The bag, which can cost hundreds of thousands of dollars, was created by former Herms chief executive Jean Louis Dumas in 1984; now, 31 years later, Jane, 68, is speaking out against the luxury label and her namesake accessory after learning that crocodiles are allegedly harmed during the bag’s production.’Having been alerted to the cruel practices endured by crocodiles during their slaughter for the production of Herms bags carrying my name I have asked Herms Group to rename the Birkin until better practices responding to international norms can be implemented for the production of this bag,’ she said in a statement releasedby animal rights organization PETA.Scroll down for videoNo longer flattered: Actress and singer Jane Birkin, who can be seen posing with her own Birkin bag in 2010, has asked the luxury brand to change the iconic handbag’s nameNew views: The 68 year old said she came to the decision after learning about the ‘cruel practices endured by crocodiles’ for the production of her namesake bag, which can be made out of the rare animal skin (pictured)According to PETA, Jane is asking for the bag to be renamed in response to the organization’s recent expose regarding crocodile and alligator farming and slaughter practices in factory farms from Texas to Zimbabwe.’Jane Birkin has expressed her concerns regarding practices for slaughtering crocodiles. Her comments do not in any way influence the friendship and confidence that we have shared for many years.’Herms respects and shares her emotions and was also shocked by the images recently broadcast,’ Herms told Daily Mail Online in a statement.’An investigation is underway at the Texas farm which was implicated in the video. Any breach of rules will be rectified and sanctioned,’ the luxury label continues.’Herms specifies that this farm does not belong to them and that the crocodile skins supplied are not used for the fabrication of Birkin bags amazon uk canada goose.