So you can put them down in the category of the overall
ELI Manning could lose big bucks if the labor dispute interrupts training camp. The Giants quarterback has a $500.000 workout bonus in his contract. He would have received a check for well more than $3.15 million. “Well I think 3.4% is really a false number. Now this is just my hunch, and, but, based on conversations with a lot of people who do this. Because a lot of people will have this and it very mild. They get better very rapidly medical face mask, they don even see a doctor. You never hear about those people. So you can put them down in the category of the overall population in terms of this Corona flu, or virus. You know if we have thousands or hundreds of thousands of people that get better just by sitting around and even going to work, some of them go to work, but they get better medical face mask, and then when you do have a death like you had in the state of Washingon. You had one in California, you had one in New York. All of the sudden it seems like 3 4% which is a very high number, as opposed to a fraction of 1%.
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