Un jour, John Picard a regard l’eau de lavage des pommes de

Andrew Nikiforuk presented the horrific pictures and details of the Tar Sands and Oil extraction process in Alberta. He revealed many disturbing details such as a Doctor being sanctioned and punished for attempting to expose the high cancer rates among native populations downstream from the tailings ponds. He exposed the manner in which the government of Canada as well as Alberta were and are willing to ignore the truth for the monetary gain of the oil revenues.

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To make matters worse the cost of living will increase as well. Hydro rates are going up. Insurance rates are going up. And the proposed new incarceration facility might not be a government federal prison. The latest manner to house citizens who have contravened the law is in privately owned and operated detention facilities. The mayor may have been entirely accurate in his statement, “I can confirm we are not discussing anything to do with a federal or provincial prison.”.

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