I attribute some of that to having faced potential death four

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Hermes Replica Belt The YouTuber and lifestyle guru, who goes by Rawvana, has been hosting a Spanish and English vegan vlog for the past six years touting veganism as the cure all to many ailments, such as alcoholism and poor sleep, and claiming the plant based diet changed her life.In the 33 minute video, Rawvana, whose real name is Yovana Mendoza Ayres, apologised to her viewers for the recent break in her diet and then launched into her entire history of veganism before going on to divulge her many health problems.In the emotional video, the 29 year old brought up her 25 day water fast, which at first left her feeling top of the world, explaining how she lost her period for two years following the nearly month long period of time where she drank water.Ayres, who lives in San Diego, claimed she continued to have digestion issues and was diagnosed with SIBO (small intestinal bacterial overgrowth) and was advised by a doctor to start incorporating eggs and fish into her diet, which she did.COFFEE TALK! I recently started drinking coffee again after 6 years of not drinking it! Why? When I went raw vegan I completely stopped drinking coffee because at the time I cut out every processed food and substance from my diet. The 6 year coffee detox did wonders for me and I learned that I can feel energized from sleeping well, eating healthy and drinking water. One thing though is that I have an addictive personality so I need to be conscious of taking in anything that can become easily addicting Hermes Replica Belt.