Spent probably close to $70 CAD

This is my summer base for 2/3 nighters (most of my trips) travel backpack anti theft, colder temps just bump up clothing basically. With the exception of my sleeping bag, I was basically targeting the best bang for your buck gear with input from this sub, my sleeping bag is just what I wanted and love, I put weight and cost aside for it.Not included is dog stuff (bowls, mushers secret, zing it for tether at camp) and when I have dog in tow I do less miles/more camp time so I’ll throw in a book/alcohol/green stuffYou specifically mentioned chairs and I can only speak for myself but I’ve been sitting on the ground travel backpack anti theft travel backpack anti theft, logs, rocks in nature since I was a small child. There are plenty of items I enjoy when I’m at a campground drinking and cooking with buddies but feels wrong to bring into the backcountry with me.

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