I screamed, but I think I was too shocked to do anything
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There wasn a whole lot of “let make the enemies all extremely stupid” or create random deus ex machinas to make up for a lack in story.I also played both games that the series is based off of and they did a really good job adapting the game. It felt like uncharted games made more sense. You telling me Lara dad is this mega rich dude and he finds stopping whatever is on the island more important than anything.
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Your story helps me remember that these are human beings in the ring and in any given moment, one will go down with a crushing blow to the head and may be hurt badly. As much as I revel in the titanic clashes of Duran/Hagler/Leonard/Hearns and Ali/Foreman, and recently GGG/Canelo, I also remember how Gerard McClellan went down and my heart breaks for him and his family. This is something that doesn happen in other sports boxing is an incredible sport at its best, but brutal at its worst.
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