I have also been told by a guy that like me I was intimidating

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I got my last period on January 9th 2014. My periods are regular and are nearly on time every month, usually fluctuating between the 9th and the 12th. My periods usually last 5 7 days. It was so strong and so big that it sort of intimidated me at first. I still can use the Hitachi without something between us because it so strong but I say to just give it some time. Try different things too and hopefully you find what works for you.

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AI enabled don’t exist. Companies aren’t building literal shrines to Google to get better search results rankings. These whiskey sports drinks are fake. Someone told me the other day I come in a room like a bolt of lightning. I am high energy and a bit aggressive. I have also been told by a guy that like me I was intimidating and I think its just the fact that I am outspoken and semi unpredictable..

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