Investigators have said previously that Burgert may
canada goose The Missoula County Sheriff Office says the chase began after Burgert ran a stop sign near Lolo and failed to stop for two deputies when they turned on their lights and siren.Investigators have said previously that Burgert may have stashed another vehicle in the wilderness, and they now say he may have had access to a tan Jeep Cherokee. ET] Investigators have lost the trail of a convicted militia member who melted into the remote and rugged backcountry of western Montana after allegedly shooting at sheriff deputies, a Missoula County sheriff commander said Tuesday.Officials scaled back their search when dogs lost David Burgert scent, Undersheriff Mike Dominick said, adding that the operation is now more of an investigation than a manhunt.Burgert apparently was prepared to evade a manhunt and may have stashed another vehicle someplace in the wilderness, police say. ET] The FBI has joined the manhunt for a former militia leader after he shot at sheriff’s deputies and fled into the Montana woods outside Missoula, according to police.
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